Evaluation of the Opportunities Round One ESF and Non-ESF Labour market programme
CEA worked with Adroit Economics Ltd to undertake impact evaluations of a number of the London Development Agency’s skills programmes comprising some 260 individual projects. This included some of the programmes that had been co-financed with the European Social Fund (ESF). CEA produced impact evaluations for the Opportunities Round One ESF and Non-ESF programmes. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to meet the objectives of the evaluation. These evaluation reports were fully consistent with the RDA Impact Evaluation Framework (IEF) and LDA guidance on cost benefit analysis.
Evaluation of the Single Regeneration Budget Challenge Fund rounds one and two (1997-2007)
Peter Tyler with support from a team which included Angela Brennan, Steve Stevens and Colin Warnock, undertook the national evaluation of regeneration activities funded under the Single Regeneration Budget Challenge Fund. The investigation was conducted over an eight year period. SRB was responsible for channelling over £24 billion worth of funds into regeneration programmes at the local level designed to tackle some of the most severe problems of poverty and social exclusion to be found in the United Kingdom.
National Evaluation of Neighbourhood Management Pathfinders
Under the Neighbourhood Management Pathfinders Initiative communities from the most deprived areas across England are being funded to help appoint neighbourhood managers and plan action to improve local services. CEA was responsible for Value for Money aspects of the Interim evaluation and the Final Evaluation also commissioned by NRU. CEA also produced a Using Data to Improve Services toolkit that aimed to give practical advice to neighbourhood management and other neighbourhood renewal initiatives on how to gather and use service data as part of their engagement with service providers.
A copy of the published report can be downloaded here.